15:00 |
TT 42.1 |
Single crystal growth and characterization of CeCoIn5 and Ce2IrIn8 — •Anja Philipp, Kristin Kliemt, and Cornelius Krellner
15:00 |
TT 42.2 |
Search for superconductivity in CeSb2 under chemical pressure — •Jan Weber, Kristin Kliemt, and Cornelius Krellner
15:00 |
TT 42.3 |
Searching for the critical endpoint in cobalt-doped EuRh2Si2 — •Franziska Walther, Alexej Kraiker, Kristin Kliemt, and Cornelius Krellner
15:00 |
TT 42.4 |
Symmetry-broken low-temperature state in the Kondo system Ce2Rh2Ga — •Sajal Naduvile Thadathil, J Stirnat, P Devi, M Baenitz, A Strydom, D Soholov, J Wosnitza, and T Helm
15:00 |
TT 42.5 |
Spin excitations in the field-induced phase of Ce2Bi — •Nikolai Pavlovskii, Anton Kulbakov, Aleksandr Sukhanov, Michael Smidman, Federico Mazza, and Dmytro Inosov
15:00 |
TT 42.6 |
Transverse-field susceptibility of spin freezing at the mesoscale quantum phase transitions in LiHoF4 — •Michael Lampl, Andreas Wendl, Felix Rucker, and Christian Pfleiderer
15:00 |
TT 42.7 |
Phase diagram study of the Falicov-Kimball model on the two-dimensional Kagome lattice — Younes Javanmard and •Ammar Nejati
15:00 |
TT 42.8 |
Quantum-critical properties of random transverse-field Ising models extracted by quantum Monte Carlo methods — •Calvin Krämer, Anja Langheld, Jan Koziol, Max Hörmann, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
15:00 |
TT 42.9 |
Numerical investigation of the Ising model in a light-induced quantized transverse field — •Anja Langheld and Kai Phillip Schmidt
15:00 |
TT 42.10 |
High-order series expansions and crystalline structures for Rydberg atom arrays — •Antonia Duft, Jan Koziol, Matthias Mühlhauser, Patick Adelhardt, and Kai Phillip Schmidt
15:00 |
TT 42.11 |
Superexchange and spin-orbit coupling in the half-filled t2g shell — •Marco Schönleber, Daniel Pranjic, and Maria Daghofer
15:00 |
TT 42.12 |
From linear to circular polarized light - Floquet engineering in Kitaev-Heisenberg materials with Lissajous figures — •Pascal Strobel and Maria Daghofer
15:00 |
TT 42.13 |
Complete field-induced spectral response of the spin-1/2 triangular-lattice antiferromagnet CsYbSe2 — •Stanislav Nikitin, T. Xie, A. A. Eberharter, J. Xing, S. Nishimoto, M. Brando, P. Khanenko, J. Sichelschmidt, A. A. Turrini, D. G. Mazzone, P. G. Naumov, L. D. Sanjeewa, A. S. Sefat, B. Normand, A. M. Lauchli, and A. Podlesnyak
15:00 |
TT 42.14 |
Low energy, mobile excitations in herbertsmithite revealed by magnetothermal conductivity — •Ralf Claus, Jan Bruin, Yosuke Matsumoto, Jürgen Nuss, Masahiko Isobe, and Hidenori Takagi
15:00 |
TT 42.15 |
Field-tuned critical fluctuations in the triangular-lattice delafossite NaYbO2 probed by 23Na NMR — •S. Luther, K. M. Ranjith, D. Opherden, S. Khim, H. Yasuoka, J. Wosnitza, M. Baenitz, and H. Kühne
15:00 |
TT 42.16 |
Disorder effects in spiral spin liquids — •Pedro Monteiro Cônsoli and Matthias Vojta
15:00 |
TT 42.17 |
Second-harmonic generation in the Kitaev model — •Olesia Krupnitska and Wolfram Brenig
15:00 |
TT 42.18 |
Magnetostriction in frustrated planar quantum magnets — •Alexander Schwenke and Wolfram Brenig
15:00 |
TT 42.19 |
Continuous similarity transformation for critical phenomena: bilayer antiferromagnetic Heisenberg-model and J1−J2-model — •Matthias R. Walther, Dag-Björn Hering, Götz S. Uhrig, and Kai P. Schmidt
15:00 |
TT 42.20 |
Continuous similarity transformation for critical phenomena: easy-axis antiferromagnetic XXZ model — •Dag-Björn Hering, Matthias R. Walther, Kai P. Schmidt, and Götz S. Uhrig
15:00 |
TT 42.21 |
Quantum criticality of the frustrated transverse-field Ising model on a triangular lattic using enhanced perturbative continous unitary transformations — •Lukas Schamriß, Matthias R. Walther, Dag-Björn Hering, and Kai P. Schmidt
15:00 |
TT 42.22 |
Quantum simulation of transverse field Ising model using numerical linked cluster expansions with variational quantum eigensolver — •Sumeet Sumeet, Max Hörmann, and Kai P. Schmidt