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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 46: Frustrated Magnets: Spin Liquids
TT 46.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 30. März 2023, 10:15–10:30, HSZ 201
Thermodynamics of the spin liquid candidate KYbS2 — •Franziska Grußler1, Sebastian Bachus1, Noah Winterhalter-Stocker1, Mamoun Hemmida2, Hans-Albrecht Krug von Nidda2, Yurii Skourski3, Philipp Gegenwart1, and Alexander Tsirlin4 — 1Experimental Physics VI, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg — 2Experimental Physics V, Center for Electronic Correlations and Magnetism, University of Augsburg — 3High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf — 4Felix Bloch Institute for Solid-State Physics, University of Leipzig
Triangular antiferromagnets with competing nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions offer a promising playground for realizing quantum spin liquid behavior. However, detailed nature of this state and its manifestations in real materials remain heavily debated. Here, we show that a quantum disordered, potentially spin liquid state can be realized in the disorder-free triangular antiferromagnet KYbS2 and report its temperature-field phase diagram using heat capacity, dilatometry, magnetocaloric and magnetization measurements down to below 0.1 K. The phase diagram reveals an additional phase between the up-up-down and putative spin liquid phases, so far not observed in other members of the same structural family. Following a systematic analysis of the nuclear contribution and its evolution in the applied field, we conclude that at zero field the magnetic specific heat shows quadratic behavior in the low-T limit in accordance with the expectations for a gapless Dirac spin liquid.