
SKM 2023 – scientific programme

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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen

TT 58: Poster: Superconductivity II

Thursday, March 30, 2023, 15:00–18:00, P2/OG3

15:00 TT 58.1 Low temperature MMC-based muon veto for IAXO — •Daniel Unger, Christian Enss, Andreas Fleischmann, Daniel Hengstler, Ashish Jadhav, and Loredana Gastaldo
15:00 TT 58.2 Dc-SQUID readout with high dynamic range and intrinsic frequency-domain multiplexing capability — •L. Münch, A. Abeln, N. Kahne, F. Krämer, D. Hengstler, L. Hoibl, D. Mazibrada, D. Richter, A. Stoll, A. Fleischmann, and C. Enss
15:00 TT 58.3 Integrated two-stage SQUID-chip with 6 nH input impedance — •David Mazibrada, Fabian Krämer, Alexander Stoll, Nicolas Kahne, Lukas Münch, Daniel Hengstler, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
15:00 TT 58.4 Identification of noise sources in superconducting microstructures — •R. Yang, A. Fleischmann, D. Hengstler, M. Herbst, D. Mazibrada, L. Münch, A. Reifenberger, C. Ständer, and C. Enss
15:00 TT 58.5 Recent insights into low frequency excess flux noise in superconducting quantum devices — •Anna Ferring-Siebert, Fabian Kaap, David Mazibrada, Lukas Münch, Matthew Herbst, Andreas Fleischmann, Christian Enss, and Sebastian Kempf
15:00 TT 58.6 Impedance engineering of flux-pumped Josephson traveling wave parametric amplifier — •Daniil E. Bazulin, Kedar E. Honasoge, Leon Koch, Niklas Bruckmoser, Yuki Nojiri, Thomas Luschmann, Achim Marx, Stefan Filipp, and Kirill G. Fedorov
15:00 TT 58.7 Large-scale fabrication of Josephson parametric devices — •Maria-Teresa Handschuh, Kedar E. Honasoge, Yuki Nojiri, Niklas Bruckmoser, Leon Koch, Daniil Bazulin, Florian Fesquet, Fabian Kronowetter, Michael Renger, Wun K. Yam, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross, and Kirill G. Fedorov
15:00 TT 58.8 Microwave quantum memory based on rare earth doped crystal — •Jianpeng Chen, Owen T. Huisman, Ana Strinic, Achim Marx, Kirill G. Fedorov, Hans Huebl, Rudolf Gross, and Nadezhda Kukharchyk
  15:00 TT 58.9 The contribution has been withdrawn.
15:00 TT 58.10 Microwave single-shot quantum key distribution — •Florian Fesquet, Fabian Kronowetter, Michael Renger, Nadezhda Kukharchyk, Hans Huebl, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross, and Kirill. G. Fedorov
15:00 TT 58.11 3D-Integration of superconducting qubits using flip-chip bump bonding technology — •Franziska Wilfinger, Ivan Tsitsilin, and Stefan Filipp
15:00 TT 58.12 Probing the density of states of defects in superconducting flux qubits — •Benedikt Berlitz, Alexander Konstantin Händel, Alexey V. Ustinov, and Jürgen Lisenfeld
15:00 TT 58.13 Fast quantum state tomography with superconducting qubits — •Andras Di Giovanni, Adrian Aasen, Moritz Reh, Martin Gärttner, Markus Griedel, Hannes Rotzinger, and Alexey Ustinov
15:00 TT 58.14 Infrared filters for superconducting qubit applications — •Markus Griedel, Sebastian Koch, Alex Stehli, Hannes Rotzinger, and Alexey V. Ustinov
15:00 TT 58.15 Superconducting flux qubits with stacked Josephson junctions — •Alex Kreuzer, Hossam Tohamy, Thilo Krumrey, Markus Griedel, Hannes Rotzinger, and Alexey V. Ustinov
15:00 TT 58.16 Flux escape mitigation in gradiometric fluxonium qubits — •Denis Bénâtre, Mathieu Féchant, Martin Spiecker, and Ioan Pop
15:00 TT 58.17 Towards millimeter-wave superconducting qubits — •Philipp Lenhard, Jürgen Lisenfeld, and Alexey V. Ustinov
15:00 TT 58.18 Towards dissipatively coupled photon-pressure circuits — •Janis Peter, Mohamad Adnan el Kazouini, Emily Guo, Kevin Uhl, and Daniel Bothner
15:00 TT 58.19 Towards non-classical state preparation in photon-pressure circuits — •Mohamad Adnan El Kazouini, Janis Peter, Emily Guo, Kevin Uhl, and Daniel Bothner
15:00 TT 58.20 Towards room temperature microwave quantum teleportation — •Wun Kwan Yam, Michael Renger, Simon Gandorfer, Florian Fesquet, Kedar Honasoge, Fabian Kronowetter, Yuki Nojiri, Achim Marx, Rudolf Gross, and Kirill G. Fedorov
15:00 TT 58.21 Experimental investigations and flow simulation of regenerator configurations of a single stage GM-type pulse tube cooler — •Elias Eisenschmidt, Jack-Andre Schmidt, Bernd Schmidt, Jens Falter, and Andre Schirmeisen
15:00 TT 58.22 Characterization of the cooling power on a two stage 4 K pulse tube cooler operated with solenoid valves — •Xaver Herrmann, Jack-André Schmidt, Bernd Schmidt, Jens Falter, and André Schirmeisen
15:00 TT 58.23 Development of a miniaturized, modular, nuclear demagnetization stage — •Leo Maximov, Nico Huber, Andreas Bauer, Keiya Shirahama, and Christian Pfleiderer
15:00 TT 58.24 Study of the magnetocalotic effect in [Ni(C4H3O4)2(H2O)4] - A Potential Realization of a Spin-1 Spatially Anisotropic Square Lattice with Ferromagnetic Interactions — •Petro Danylchenko, Róbert Tarasenko, Erik Čižmár, Vladimír Tkáč, Alžbeta Orendáčová, and Martin Orendáč
15:00 TT 58.25 Noise thermometers for mK- and µ K-temperatures in high magnetic fields — •Pascal Willer, Christian Ständer, Nathalie Probst, Andreas Reiser, Andreas Fleischmann, and Christian Enss
15:00 TT 58.26 Variable temperature probe stick with 2D coil system — •Claudia Köhn, Sylke Bechstein, and Doreen Wernicke
15:00 TT 58.27 Cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope — •Julia Besproswanny, Sebastian Schimmel, Ronny Schlegel, Danny Baumann, Bernd Büchner, Ralf Voigtländer, Dirk Lindackers, and Christian Hess
15:00 TT 58.28 Cyclotron resonance on germanium probed by coplanar microwave resonators — •Anastasia Bauernfeind, Frederik Bolle, Martin Dressel, and Marc Scheffler
15:00 TT 58.29 Sample environment communication protocol (SECoP) — •Klaus Kiefer, Georg Brandl, Niklas Ekström, Enrico Faulhaber, Thomas Herrmannsdörfer, Bastian Klemke, Thorsten Kracht, Anders Pettersson, Lutz Rossa, and Markus Zolliker
15:00 TT 58.30 Lab::Measurement – measurement control with Perl 5Mia Schambeck, Erik Fabrizzi, Simon Reinhardt, and •Andreas K. Hüttel
15:00 TT 58.31 Modeling a vibrating carbon nanotube Josephson junction — •Andreas K. Hüttel, Keijo Korhonen, and Pertti Hakonen
15:00 TT 58.32 Towards remote entanglement of superconducting qubits — •Simon Gandorfer, Joan Agusti, Peter Rabl, Rudolf Gross, and Kirill G. Fedorov
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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SKM