SKM 2023 – scientific programme
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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 64: Topology: Other Topics
TT 64.8: Talk
Friday, March 31, 2023, 11:15–11:30, HSZ 201
Inelastic topological light scattering in chiral liquids — Silvia Müllner1, Florian Büscher1, Angela Möller2, and •Peter Lemmens1 — 1IPKM, TU Braunschweig — 2Anorg. Chemie, JGU Mainz
Vortex beams of light contain spin (SAM, helicity) and angular momentum (OAM, chirality). However, there is a long debate whether OAM can couple to a topological system. In a recent experimental study of chiral liquid crystals we demonstrate the effect of vortex light with different topological charge. We give evidence for roton like quasiparticles with a dispersion that dominates the scattering at small and intermediate scattering vectors [1].
Work supported by DFG LE967/16-1, GrK 1952/2, Metrology for Complex Nanosystems*NanoMet, and DFG EXC-2123 QuantumFrontiers - 390837967.
[1] S. Müllner, F. Büscher, A. Möller, and P. Lemmens, Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 207801 (2022)