SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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AGI: Arbeitsgruppe Information
AGI 2: Hacky Hour (joint session AKjDPG/AGI)
AGI 2.6: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 17:30–18:15, ZEU/0148
yarsync: file synchronization and backup for Linux systems — •Yaroslav Nikitenko — III. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University
Files in scientific research can be roughly divided into code and data files. For changing code there exist today many established version control systems, with the prominent leader git. For unchanging files, however, there exist many different approaches, with maybe the most widespread utility rsync. Yet Another Rsync is a wrapper around rsync with the interface similar to git. yarsync is:
- simple. The interface is familiar to most users. Configuration is stored in text files. Repository commits are hard links to the files in the working directory, retaining its structure at different times.
- efficient. Usage of hard links allows skipping transfer of renamed files or directories anew. The program is run on user demand and does not continuously consume system resources. rsync uses a well- established and optimized algorithm for file transfer.
- powerful. Certain file or directory patterns can be flexibly excluded from synchronization using rsync filters. It has no central repos- itory (it is distributed) and if different repositories diverge (have simultaneous changes), the program assists users to merge them manually.
yarsync is documented, tested and freely available from github, PyPI or Arch User Repository.