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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 15: New Accelerator Concepts
AKBP 15.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 15:30–15:45, CHE/0184
Laser Transmission in the Relativistically Induced Transparency Regime for High Performance Proton Acceleration at PW Laser Systems — •Marvin E. P. Umlandt1,2, Tim Ziegler1,2, Nicholas P. Dover3,4, Ilja Göthel1,2, Thomas Kluge1, Chang Liu3, Thomas Püschel1, Milenko Vescovi1,2, Mamiko Nishiuchi3, Josefine Metzkes-Ng1, Karl Zeil1, and Ulrich Schramm1,2 — 1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany — 2Technische Universität Dresden, Germany — 3Kansai Photon Science Institute, QST, Japan — 4John Adams Institute for Accelerator Science, Imperial College London, UK
Ion acceleration by laser-plasma sources promises many applications, but reaching the required beam quality parameters demands a high level of understanding and control over the interaction process. Several advanced schemes, including the Relativistically Induced Transparency (RIT) regime, have been proposed and investigated in search of a stable acceleration for proton energies beyond 100 MeV. In the RIT scheme, the absorption of the electromagnetic laser field by the target and the generated plasma is critical. In joint experiments at the DRACO PW (HZDR) and J-KAREN (KPSI) lasers, we use transmission diagnostics to study the onset of transparency and learn about the sensitivity of the laser input to improve the process's robustness. Using ultra-short pulses on thin solid density foil targets, we observe high performance proton beams in an expanded foil case. Our analysis of the effects on the transmission and its correlation with the acceleration performance indicates changes in the plasma interaction process.