SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 16: Poster
AKBP 16.1: Poster
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 15:45–18:30, HSZ OG3
Beam-Based Characterization of a Non-Linear Injection Kicker at BESSY II — •Anny Gora, Markus Ries, Michael Abo-Bakr, Marc Dirsat, and Günther Rehm — Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Germany
Top-up operation at BESSY II is performed with average injection efficiencies of 98 %. Howe- ver, the four kicker bump and the half-sine-wave septum pulser, that form the present injection system, both contribute to an injection distortion of the stored beam with an amplitude of a few millimeters for several thousand turns. A non-linear pulsed injection kicker (NLK) could be used to reduce the kicker induced distortion by a factor of approximately 30 and thus create a necessary condition for transparent injection. Studies with a NLK and optimized sextupole settings have shown that it is also possible to achieve injection efficiencies of up to 97 %. With regard to the application of the NLK for BES- SY II user operation and a possible injection method for BESSY III, the NLK was characterized beam-based and measurements and theory were reconciled.