SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 16: Poster
AKBP 16.6: Poster
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 15:45–18:30, HSZ OG3
Design and first tests of a fast precision high voltage divider for the CRYRING electron cooler — •Ken Ueberholz, Timo Dirkes, Volker Hannen, and Christian Weinheimer — Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Institut für Kernphysik
High-precision experiments performed on relativistic ions in storage rings and accelerators require a small momentum distribution of the ions. At the Cryring at ESR, electron cooling is the chosen technique, which overlaps the ion beam with a nearly mono-energetic electron beam. The electrons transfer their momentum via Coulomb interactions to the ions until the ion velocity has adjusted to the electron velocity. The energy of the ions is therefore set by the accelerating voltage of the electron cooler. Consequently, a precise knowledge of the voltage is needed for high-resolution spectroscopy and further experiments. These experiments include electron-ion collision experiments where the electrons of the cooler fulfill an additional function as a target for the ions. To conduct such experiments, the cooler voltage has to be stepped from the baseline cooling voltage to values differing by up to 1 kV during intervals of about 10 ms and still needs to be measured precisely. For this purpose, a fast precision divider has been developed, capable of measuring voltages up to 20 kV within a 10 ms interval with uncertainties in the 10 ppm range. The poster will present the design and construction of the new high-voltage divider and provide first results from test and calibration measurements.
This work is supported by BMBF under contract number 05P21PMFA1.