SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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AKBP: Arbeitskreis Beschleunigerphysik
AKBP 5: Hadron Accelerators
AKBP 5.6: Talk
Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 17:45–18:00, CHE/0184
Kaon beam studies employing coventional hadron beam concepts at the CERN M2 beam line for the future AMBER experiment — •Fabian Metzger1,2, Dipanwita Banerjee2, Johannes Bernhard2, Lau Gatignon3, Alexander Gerbershagen4, Bernhard Ketzer1, Laurence James Nevay2, and Silvia Schuh2 — 1Universität Bonn, Helmholtz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Bonn, Germany — 2CERN, Geneva, Switzerland — 3Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom — 4University of Groningen, Particle Therapy Research Center, Netherlands
As a part of its rich proposed future physics programme, the AMBER (NA66) experiment aims to measure the inner structure and the excitation spectra of mesons with open strangeness with a high-intensity kaon beam at the CERN secondary beam line M2. One way to identify the small fraction of kaons in the available beam is tagging with the help of differential Cherenkov detectors (CEDARs), which are blind to other particles and whose detection efficiency depends critically on the beam parallelism.
In this contribution, we discuss possible improvements of the conventional beam optics to achieve a better performance of the CEDARs for the AMBER programme with hadron beams, in particular for the planned Drell-Yan and diffractive measurements. We focus on the investigation of multiple scattering in the present setup in the regions where the beam runs through vacuum windows and air at atmospheric pressure, and on the optimization of the beam optics.