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AKPIK: Arbeitskreis Physik, moderne Informationstechnologie und Künstliche Intelligenz
AKPIK 2: Applications in Particle and Astroparticle Physics
AKPIK 2.1: Vortrag
Dienstag, 21. März 2023, 17:00–17:15, ZEU/0118
Studies of Machine Learning Inspired Clustering Algorithms for Jets — Amrita Bhattacherjee1, Debarghya Ghoshdastidar1, Stefan Kluth2, and •Siddha Hill2 — 1Technical University of Munich — 2Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich
We study several machine learning inspired clustering algorithms to cluster the particles of hadronic final states in high energy e+e- and pp collisions into jets. We compare their performance against well known algorithms such as JADE or Anti-Kt. Performance indicators are physically motivated and study properties such as energy and angle differences of jets transitioning from parton to hadron level. In addition we also investigate the stability against pileup.