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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 14: Astrophysics: Stellar Astrophysics
EP 14.1: Hauptvortrag
Freitag, 24. März 2023, 11:00–11:30, HSZ/0004
Unveiling the secrets of hot, massive stars with modern stellar atmosphere models — •Andreas A C Sander — Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum für Astronomie der Universität Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany
Even in the time of multi-messenger astrophysics, it is the light from stars that mostly determines what we know about the Universe beyond our Earth. To decode the information that is imprinted in the starlight, we need to understand its origin in the outermost layers of the stars, the so-called stellar atmosphere. Modelling these transition layers allows us to translate our observations from small and big telescopes into a proper physical quantities, thereby enabling us to not just understand the stars themselves, but also their impact and interactions with their host environment and their role in the chemical evolution of the Universe.
My Emmy Noether research group at the ARI in Heidelberg focuses on the application and development of stellar atmosphere models for hot, massive stars. In my talk, I will briefly introduce the techniques and challenges of these expanding, non-equilibrium models as well as outline the concept for including a consistent hydrodynamic treatment. Afterwards, I will provide an overview about the observational and theoretical research efforts of my group, where we use the atmosphere models to unveil the secrets and impact of massive stars, ranging from the spectral analysis of individual stars and the theoretical investigation of radiation-driven winds to the prediction of stellar feedback in unresolved populations.