SMuK 2023 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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EP: Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik
EP 14: Astrophysics: Stellar Astrophysics
EP 14.4: Vortrag
Freitag, 24. März 2023, 12:00–12:15, HSZ/0004
General relativistic radiation hydrodynamics simulations of hypermassive star evolutions — •Ninoy Rahman, Andreas Bauswein, and Gabriel Martínez-Pinedo — GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany
We investigate the evolutions of hypermassive neutron stars (HMNSs) formed by the mergers of binary neutron stars (BNSs) with initial gravitational masses of 1.35-1.35M⊙, 1.362-1.362M⊙, 1.292-1.4362M⊙, 1.143-1.633M⊙, and 1.37-1.37M⊙ by 2D general relativistic hydrodynamical simulations. We employ the general relativistic hydrodynamics code NADA-FLD with energy-dependent three-flavor flux-limited diffusion neutrino transport to study the transiently formed HMNSs until their collapse to black holes (BHs). The newly born rapidly rotating HMNS with high temperatures and densities above nuclear saturation density is supported by the nuclear force, the thermal pressure, and the centrifugal force against gravity. We study the impact of the thermal and rotational properties of HMNSs on their lifetime. Additionally, we investigate the influence of viscous transport on the HMNS evolution. The lifetimes of HMNSs consider in this work vary from ∼50 ms to ∼150 ms. At Darmstadt, funding by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC Advanced Grant KILONOVA No. 885281) is acknowledged.