SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 27: Heavy-Ion Collisions and QCD Phases V
HK 27.4: Talk
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 15:00–15:15, SCH/A216
Σ0 reconstruction in Ag+Ag collisions at √sNN = 2.55 GeV with HADES — •Marten Becker for the HADES collaboration — Justus-Liebig-University Giessen
The HADES experiment at GSI investigates the moderate temperature and high density regime of the QCD phase diagram created by A+A collisions at a few AGeV kinetic beam energy. Besides leptons and photons, strangeness directly transports measurable information of the created dense matter to the laboratory. In 2019 HADES collected Ag+Ag collisions at 2.55 GeV center of mass energy which is of great interest since the energy is right at the strangeness production threshold. For the first time, the newly installed electromagnetic calorimeter allows direct photon detection. The RICH detector was upgraded in addition, which strongly improves electron identification and the detection of conversion-pairs.
This contribution shows work in progress results on the Σ0 baryon reconstruction, decaying electromagnetically into Λ + γ. Feasibility studies in simulations prove the reconstruction methods in the Λ + γ channel as well as the Λ +lepton channel where the photon converted and at least one low energetic e± is identified in the RICH. The Σ0 yield is extracted and the resulting Λ/Σ0 ratio is compared to statistical-thermal model calculations.