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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 45: Instrumentation XIII
HK 45.5: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2023, 18:30–18:45, SCH/A.101
Investigations on the Signal-to-Noise Ratio of the VMM Readout Chip with a GEM Detector — Virginia Klapper1, Karl Flöthner1,3, Pascal Henkel1, •Michael Lupberger1,2, and Bernhard Ketzer1 — 1Universität Bonn, Helmholtz- Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik, Bonn, Germany — 2Universität Bonn, Physikalisches Institut, Bonn, Germany — 3CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
Dedicated readout chips are required to collect, preamplify and further process the data generated by microstructured particle detectors. The VMM is an ASIC that was developed for the ATLAS New Small Wheel upgrade. It operates in a self-triggered mode, thus not requiring an external trigger signal for data readout, which gives much more flexibility for complex selection criteria in the high-level software trigger. This chip is a candidate to read out novel high-rate GEM detectors at the AMBER experiment at the CERN SPS. We are in particular interested in the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and how it compares to the APV25 chip that has been used for GEM readout at COMPASS.
This presentation focuses on a setup to measure the SNR with cosmic muons. A GEM detector read out by VMM chips is sandwiched between two scintillators with photomultipliers. The coincidence signal is injected into a trigger board connected to a separate VMM frontend board. This way, the triggers are timestamped as belonging to data from the detector.
This contribution presents the SNR measurements for a variety of parameters like different gas gains or VMM thresholds.