SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 56: Instrumentation XV
HK 56.1: Group Report
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 14:00–14:30, SCH/A.101
Performance of the upgraded HADES RICH in heavy ion collisions* — •Jörg Förtsch for the HADES collaboration — Bergische Universität Wuppertal
The 1.58A GeV Ag+Ag beamtime of the High Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI Darmstadt, Germany, in March 2019 marked the first use of the upgraded HADES RICH. At triggered event rates of up to 18 kHz the HADES RICH detector is the key component for efficient identification of electrons and positrons in hadronically dominated collision products.
The HADES RICH detector is a gaseous ring imaging Cherenkov detector with C4H10 (isobutane) being used as radiator hence making the detector hadron blind for momenta up to approximately 2 GeV/c. A spherical mirror reflects Cherenkov photons on a staggered photon detection plane comprised of 428 MultiAnode Photo electron Multipliers (MAPMTs) of type Hamamatsu H12700. All 27392 different MAPMT channels are read out by the DIRICH readout electronic scheme measuring leading edge and time over threshold of each pulse down to sub-nanosecond precision.
In this talk we will present key features of our upgrade and lay out quantitatively how well the RICH performed throughout the full measurement campaign.
* Work supported by GSI and BMBF (05P19RGFCA, 05P21RGFC1, 05P19PXFCA, 05P21PXFC1), Hessen für FAIR (HFHF), GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Campus Gießen