SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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HK: Fachverband Physik der Hadronen und Kerne
HK 70: Structure and Dynamics of Nuclei XV
HK 70.2: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 16:15–16:30, SCH/A215
Coulomb excitation and lifetime measurements in 84−86Ge with relativistic radioactive ion beams — •U. Ahmed1,2, V. Werner1,2, F. Browne3, M. L. Cortés4, N. Pietralla1, and K. Wimmer5 for the HiCARI collaboration — 1IKP, TU Darmstadt, Germany — 2HFHF, GSI Darmstadt, Germany — 3CERN, Geneva, Switzerland — 4RIKEN, Wako, Japan — 5GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
Coulomb excitation cross sections of 84−86Ge nuclei and level lifetimes were investigated through reactions of Ge and As beams on heavy and light targets. The cross sections of these reactions will be determined from the ratio of incoming and outgoing particles and de-excitation γ-ray peak areas as measured by the High-resolution Cluster Array (HiCARI) at RIKEN-RIBF in Japan. The ongoing gamma-ray analysis aims at the measurement of the E2 transition probabilities of the lowest excited 2+ states to chart the evolution of collectivity in the Ge chain above the N=50 neutron shell closure. First steps of the analysis will be presented, namely the particle identification for the incoming particles from the BigRIPS fragment separator and the outgoing particles in the ZeroDegree spectrometer. Additionally, Doppler-corrected gamma-ray spectra based on the reconstructed velocity of incoming ions will be presented.
Supported by BMBF under Grant No. 05P21RDFN1 and by HFHF