SMuK 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
K 1: Laser Applications and Laser-Beam Material Interaction
Dienstag, 21. März 2023, 11:00–12:35, HSZ/0403
11:00 |
K 1.1 |
Information, Abstände und Gravitation ? — •Rudolf Germer
11:35 |
K 1.2 |
Validation of two-temperature hydrodynamics modeling by in-situ metrology and ex-situ analysis of the microstructure of a thin gold film — •Markus Olbrich, Theo Pflug, Christina Wüstefeld, Mykhaylo Motylenko, Christiane Wächtler, David Rafaja, Stefan Sandfeld, and Alexander Horn
11:50 |
K 1.3 |
Laser-assisted atmospheric pressure plasma jet etching of optical glasses — •Robert Heinke, Martin Ehrhardt, Pierre Lorenz, Thomas Arnold, and Klaus Zimmer
12:05 |
K 1.4 |
Laser-magnetization of Fe60Al40 investigated by pump-probe reflectometry — •Theo Pflug, Javier Pablo-Navarro, Markus Olbrich, Alexander Horn, and Rantej Bali
12:20 |
K 1.5 |
Double-pulse irradiation of a thin gold film using ultrafast laser radiation — •Markus Olbrich, Theo Pflug, Nick Börnert, Philipp Lungwitz, Andy Engel, Peter Lickschat, Steffen Weißmantel, and Alexander Horn