SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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MP: Fachverband Theoretische und Mathematische Grundlagen der Physik
MP 7: Classical and Quantum Gravity
MP 7.1: Talk
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 14:00–14:20, ZEU/0250
Geometry of charged rotating discs of dust in Einstein-Maxwell theory — •David Rumler — Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany
Within the framework of Einstein-Maxwell theory geometric properties of charged rotating discs of dust, using a post-Newtonian expansion up to tenth order, are discussed. Investigating the disc's proper radius and the proper circumference allows us to address questions related to the Ehrenfest paradox. In the Newtonian limit there is an agreement with a rotating disc from special relativity. The charged rotating disc of dust also possesses material-like properties. A fundamental geometric property of the disc is its Gaussian curvature. The result obtained for the charged rotating disc of dust is checked by additionally calculating the Gaussian curvature of the analytic limiting cases (charged rotating) Maclaurin disc, electrically counterpoised dust-disc and uncharged rotating disc of dust. We find that by increasing the disc's specific charge there occurs a transition from negative to positive curvature.