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ST: Fachverband Strahlen- und Medizinphysik
ST 5: Physics and Technology for Radiation Detection
ST 5.1: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2023, 15:50–16:05, ZEU/0146
Measuring the beam energy at a proton therapy facility using ATLAS IBL pixel detectors — •Isabelle Schilling1, Claus Maximilian Bäcker1,2,3,4, Christian Bäumer1,2,3,4, Carina Behrends1,2,3,4, Marius Hötting1, Jana Hohmann1, Kevin Kröninger1, Beate Timmermann2,3,4,5, and Jens Weingarten1 — 1TU Dortmund University, Department of Physics, D-44221 Dortmund — 2West German Proton Therapy Centre Essen, D-45122 Essen — 3West German Cancer Center, D-45122 Essen — 4University Hospital Essen, D-45122 Essen — 5Clinic for Particle Therapy, University Hospital Essen, D-45122 Essen
The accurate measurement of beam range for quality assurance (QA) in proton therapy is important for optimal patient treatment. Conventionally used detectors mostly calculate the energy by detecting the depth dose distribution of the protons. In contrast to this, the ATLAS pixelated silicon detector measures the deposited energy in the sensor for individual protons, allowing the determination of the Linear Energy Transfer (LET). The restriction on the dynamic energy range of the measurement is given by the readout chip. Hence, there are different ways to use the detector whose applicability is being examined. An absorber with different thicknesses is used to investigate the variation of the charge production in the sensor and perform an energy calibration relative to the NIST PSTAR database. In comparison, this talk also presents measurements of the LET per pixel along the trajectory of individual proton, all performed at the West German Proton Therapy Centre Essen.