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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 106: Searches IV
T 106.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:35–16:50, HSZ/0403
Leptoquark production in a single τ charm/bottom and met final state at the ATLAS detector — •Patrick Bauer, Philip Bechtle, and Klaus Desch for the ATLAS collaboration — Physikalisches Institut Bonn
At B-factories, anomalies were observed in decays of the B-hadrons into D(*) and K(*) plus leptons, which are consistent with the hypothesis of contributions from Leptoquarks in the high GeV to low TeV range.
Therefore, the direct search for leptoquarks (LQ) is a focus at high energy collider experiments. A very recent result, where CMS observes an excess of 3.4 sigma consistent with non-resonant LQ contributions, potentially provides an even stronger case.
This observation emphasizes the importance of exploiting all possible LQ production modes. For for LQ masses well above 1 TeV the single- and non-resonant production modes become an key ingredient for ongoing an future searches. With the single production into final states with one τ, bottom or charm jet with large missing transverse momentum, one can directly probe the couplings expected to be involved in the B → D(*) τ ν anomaly. Furthermore the non resonant contributions to the same final state could give sizable sensitivity to higher masses for large coupling strengths from the LQ. For the inclusion of a non-resonant interpretation it is crucial to study the interference behaviour of LQ signal with the SM.
This talk will provide an overview over the ongoing search for singly produced LQ in the given final states, covering resonant, non-resonant and interference aspects.