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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 107: Searches – Neutrino at accelerators

T 107.5: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:50–16:50, HSZ/0101

Neutrino Cross-Section Measurements with the T2K Near Detector — •Liam O'Sullivan for the T2K collaboration — Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz

T2K is a long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment in Japan, measuring electron (anti-)neutrino appearance in a muon (anti-)neutrino beam. As a good understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions is essential to enable precise oscillation measurements, the T2K near detector complex has been designed to measure neutrino interactions on a variety of nuclear targets for the T2K neutrino beam at a distance of 280m from the beam target. This talk presents an overview of the T2K cross-section measurement strategy in the context of both present and future neutrino oscillation measurements, together with select recent cross-section results.

100% | Bildschirmansicht | English Version | Kontakt/Impressum/Datenschutz
DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SMuK