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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 113: QCD Theory and Experiment II

T 113.3: Vortrag

Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:20–16:35, HSZ/0405

Study of the X(3915) at Belle — •Yaroslav Kulii1, Thomas Kuhr1, and Boris Grube21Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München — 2Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility

Many of the charmonium states, which consist of a charm and anti-charm quark, have been found and studied experimentally. Detailed theoretical predictions of the charmonium excitation spectrum agree well with the experimental data.

However, in recent years experiments discovered a growing number of charmonium-like states that do not fit into the predicted charm-anticharm excitation spectrum. One such state is X(3915). It has been discovered by the BaBar and Belle collaborations in the two-photon reaction e+ee+eX(3915)→ e+eJψω, where the final-state electron and positron were not detected. The analysis of projections of angular distributions preferred the JPC=0++ hypothesis, but other quantum numbers, in particular JPC = 2++, could not be excluded.

Because of this the X(3915) was initially identified as the χc0(2P) charmonium state, although its mass and decay width were not in good agreement with the theory predictions. Following the Belle discovery of the X*(3860), which agrees much better with the χc0(2P) hypothesis, opinions shifted towards interpreting the X(3915) as an exotic state. It could be, for example, a meson molecule or a so-called hybrid meson.

We will present research prospects and the status of the angular analysis to measure the quantum numbers of the X(3915) in its Jψω decay using Belle data.

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DPG-Physik > DPG-Verhandlungen > 2023 > SMuK