SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 113: QCD Theory and Experiment II
T 113.6: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 17:05–17:20, HSZ/0405
Automated NLO electroweak corrections to processes at hadron and lepton colliders — •Pia Bredt — U. Siegen, Siegen, Germany
The aim of this project was the completion of an automated framework calculating NLO corrections in the full SM for arbitrary processes at hadron and lepton colliders. This framework is an element of the Monte-Carlo program WHIZARD simulating cross sections and differential distributions. Specifically, it builds on the implemented FKS subtraction scheme for NLO QCD calculations, and extends it to automated NLO EW and QCD-EW mixed corrections. To that end, the implemented FKS scheme is generalised to systematically subtract QED and QCD infrared divergences in mixed coupling expansions. The automated computation of NLO contributions is validated for a set of benchmark processes at the LHC, including e. g. tt (+H/W/Z) production. Cross-checks for e+e− processes likewise show that WHIZARD can be used for predictions at lepton colliders including fixed O(α) corrections. This framework is applied to the study of multi-boson processes at a future multi-TeV muon collider.