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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 115: Gamma Astronomy V
T 115.1: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 15:50–16:05, POT/0151
Quasi-periodic behavior of J1048+7143* — •Armin Ghorbanietemad1, Ilja Jaroschewski1, Emma Kun1,2,3, and Julia Becker Tjus1 — 1Theoretical Physics IV, Ruhr University Bochum — 2CSFK, MTA Centre of Excellence, Hungary — 3Konkoly Observatory, ELKH, Hungary
Most blazars show short- and long-term variability in their electromagnetic emissions. Some of these have a gamma-ray light curve with a periodic pattern with a declining periodicity called quasi-periodic behavior, which is evident in observations using Fermi-LAT. Jet precession is a possible explanation for such a behavior. Supermassive binary back holes (SMBBHs) are characterized by the change in jet direction accompanied by jet precession close to an imminent merger, which makes them interesting candidates as the origin of quasi-periodic emission. A recent study on the multi-messenger behavior of the blazar J1048+7143 indicates a quasi-periodic behavior in the gamma-ray emissions from 2009 until now. The detected gamma-ray light curve is composed of three double-peak structures, each different in shape and symmetry, which makes conventional ways of signal assessment unsuitable.
In this talk, we analyze the gamma-ray light curve of J1048+7143 and use the centroid approach to find its characterizations, meaning duration and period. Furthermore, we apply our developed jet precession model on this blazar. Our findings show that its gamma-ray flares are compatible with an SMBBH at its center. Then, we use this model to predict its next gamma-ray flares and the time of merger based on its mass ratio. *Supported by DFG (SFB 1491)