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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 123: Pixel/Belle II, Si/Other
T 123.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:50–17:05, REC/C213
Compton imaging of undepleted regions of germanium detectors — •Felix Hagemann, Iris Abt, Chris Gooch, Lukas Hauertmann, David Hervas Aguilar, Xiang Liu, Oliver Schulz, and Martin Schuster — Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München
Over the past three years, a novel experimental setup has been built, commissioned and operated at the Max-Planck-Institute for Physics in Munich to characterize the bulk of germanium detectors: the Compton Scanner. In this fully automated setup, a detector is irradiated with a collimated beam of 661.66 keV gammas from a 137Cs source. A part of these gammas Compton scatter in the germanium detector and are detected by pixelated cameras placed nearby, allowing to reconstruct their interaction point in the detector.
If the germanium detector is operated below the depletion voltage, the undepleted volume of the detector cannot be used to register the energy left behind by the Compton scattered photon. By comparing regions with almost no reconstructed events, i.e. measured undepleted volumes for different bias voltages, to predictions based on different assumed impurity density profiles, an estimate of the real impurity density profile of the detector becomes possible.
In this talk, the Compton Scanner setup and its working principle will be presented. Images of the undepleted regions of a germanium detector will be shown and compared to predictions obtained with the open-source juli.4ex-.1em˙-.2emȧ software package SolidStateDetectors.jl.