SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 123: Pixel/Belle II, Si/Other
T 123.6: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 17:05–17:20, REC/C213
Angle-selective electron detection with a silicon-based active Transverse Energy Filter (aTEF) — •Kevin Gauda1,4, Sonja Schneidewind1,4, Kyrill Blümer1,4, Christian Gönner1,4, Volker Hannen1,4, Hans-Werner Ortjohann1,4, Wolfram Pernice2,3, Lukas Pöllitsch1,4, Richard Wilhelm Julius Salomon1,4, Maik Stappers2, and Christian Weinheimer1,4 — 1Institute for Nuclear Physics, University of Münster — 2CeNTech and Physics Institute, University of Münster — 3Kirchhoff-Institute for Physics, University of Heidelberg — 4KATRIN Collaboration
The active Transverse Energy Filter (aTEF) is a concept to discriminate electrons in a large magnetic field based on their pitch angle (EPJ-C 82, 922 (2022)). It is investigated as a background reduction measure in the KATRIN experiment, where low-energy electrons from ionisation of atoms in highly excited (Rydberg or autionising) states within the spectrometer impede the design sensitivity of 0.2 eV c−2 (90% C.L.). These electrons are practically indistinguishable from desired tritium beta electrons via kinetic energy, while their pitch angle distribution differs significantly. The aTEF for KATRIN may be realized as a microstructured detector – e.g., based on Si-PIN diodes – tailored to exclusively detect electrons with large pitch angles. Fabrication of prototypes is carried out via semiconductor processing technologies, for instance deep inductively coupled plasma etch (ICP-RIE). Production and performance of aTEF prototypes will be presented.
The work of the speaker for KATRIN is supported by BMBF under contract number 05A20PMA.