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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 124: Si-Strip/CMS, Pixel/DMAPS
T 124.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:05–16:20, WIL/C307
Influence of High-Frequency Magnetic Fields on the Noise Behavior of CMS 2S Module Prototypes — Christian Dziwok2, Lutz Feld1, Katja Klein1, Martin Lipinski1, Alexander Pauls1, Oliver Pooth2, and •Nicolas Röwert1 — 1I. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH Aachen University, Germany — 2RWTH Aachen University - Physics Institute III B, Aachen, Germany
For the CMS tracker Phase-2 upgrade new modules with silicon strip sensors are being developed. Each module features a Service Hybrid (SEH), which is responsible for the distribution of low voltages to the module components using a two-stage DC-DC conversion scheme. For modules equipped with the latest generation of SEHs an increase in module noise has been observed. A setup for inducing radiative noise with external magnetic fields that are frequency- and location-dependent is presented. Measurements carried out on modules from different prototyping phases show that the sensitivity is similar across generations, which indicates that radiative coupling into the sensor or readout electronics is not responsible for the observed noise increase.