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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 126: Gas-Detecors, Detector Systems
T 126.2: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:05–16:20, WIL/C207
Testbeam Measurements with a Liquid Scintillator Detector Prototype for the SHiP Surrounding Background Tagger — •Annika Hollnagel for the SHiP-SBT collaboration — JGU Mainz
By introducing a segmented geometry, Liquid Scintillator [LS] detectors are able to offer a combination of large geometrical coverage and good spatial resolution. This approach can be employed to create a new generation of high-resolution particle detectors or to improve the performance of large-volume detectors commonly used in neutrino and low-background experiments.
As a frontrunner proposal of the CERN Physics Beyond Colliders initiative, SHiP aims to exploit the full potential of a future SPS Beam-Dump Facility and combine the Search for Hidden Particles [SHiP] with tau neutrino physics. The Hidden Sector detector of SHiP will consist of a large evacuated volume followed by magnetic spectrometer and Particle Identification system. To enable studying the decays of Feebly-Interacting Particles, the reduction of beam-induced background heavily relies on the Surrounding Background Tagger [SBT] enveloping the 50m-long decay vessel. Current baseline for the SBT is a segmented LS detector that is instrumented with Wavelength-shifting Optical Modules [WOM] and read out via SiPMs.
Supported by laboratory measurements and simulations, several testbeam measurements have already been conducted at CERN and DESY, proving the principle and allowing to improve detector design and performance. This talk will give an overview of the latest 2022 test exposure of a full-size detector cell to the DESY II electron beams.