
SMuK 2023 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 127: Exp. Methods III

T 127.1: Talk

Thursday, March 23, 2023, 15:50–16:05, WIL/C129

A General Track Fit based on Hit Triplets — •Mohd Talha and André Schöning for the ATLAS collaboration — Physikalische Institute, Universität Heidelberg

Modern particle physics experiments often deal with high particle rates and therefore use silicon detectors for particle tracking. High hit occupancies, together with a relatively large amount of material in the tracking layers, pose a big challenge for track reconstruction.

For the High Luminosity ATLAS upgrade, it is planned to perform a full reconstruction of ∼5000 tracks per event at the ATLAS Event Filter with a rate of about 100 kHz. The tracking algorithm has to run on commercial hardware. One option considered by our group is the implementation of a parallelizable track reconstruction algorithm on a farm of GPUs. The algorithm of choice is a general broken line fit based on hit triplets that was originally developed for applications with dominating multiple scattering uncertainties [N. Berger et al., JINST 9 P07007 (2014)] and has also been extended to include hit uncertainties. The latter is crucial for the reconstruction of high momentum tracks.

After motivating hit triplets as basic tracking elements for a general broken line fit, the general solution for a track fit of three hits (triplet) in a solenoidal magnetic field will be presented and discussed.

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