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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 127: Exp. Methods III
T 127.3: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 16:20–16:35, WIL/C129
Navigation and track parameter transport using a heterogeneous code design for CPUs and GPUs within the ACTS R&D project — Andreas Salzburger1, •Joana Niermann1, 2, Beomki Yeo3, 4, Stephen Swatman1, 5, Attila Krasznahorkay1, and Stan Lai2 — 1CERN — 2II. Physikalisches Institut, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen — 3Department of Physics, University of California — 4Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory — 5University of Amsterdam
With the upcoming high luminosity era of the LHC, track reconstruction, in particular, will suffer from drastically increasing combinatorics. A promising perspective to meet these rising computing demands is the deployment of hardware accelerators which offer massive parallelism, like GPGPUs. Current state-of-the-art implementations of pattern recognition algorithms in track reconstruction are problematic to adapt to accelerator hardware architectures in several ways. For example, runtime-polymorphic geometry classes and pointer based data structures are commonly difficult to move to an accelerator device.
Within the ACTS parallelization R&D project, research is on-going to adapt a complete track reconstruction chain, from clusterization to track fitting, to run efficiently on GPUs. We show the implementation and performance of a core component of this chain: the propagation of track parameters and their associated covariances through an inhomogeneous magnetic field (covfie library), together with the application of material effects. The implementation is part of the detray library and makes use of its geometry description and navigation.