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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 140: Gamma Astronomy VI
T 140.5: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 18:30–18:45, POT/0151
Automatized Analysis of MAGIC Sum-Trigger-II Pulsar Data — •Jan Lukas Schubert and Simone Mender for the MAGIC collaboration — TU Dortmund University, Dortmund, Germany
The MAGIC telescopes are a stereoscopic system of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes which is used for gamma-ray detection in the GeV to TeV range. Thanks to an analogue trigger system, dubbed Sum-Trigger-II, low-energy data with a threshold as low as ~25 GeV can be recorded, enabling the MAGIC telescopes to perform comparably low energetic analyses such as pulsar analyses.
This data requires a dedicated treatment adapted to the low energies. Since the analysis structure is complex, it is reasonable to automatize the analysis to save time for an analyzer and to deliver entirely reproducible results. The automatization of the analysis of Sum-Trigger-II data was implemented in the autoMAGIC project which aims to automatize the entire MAGIC analysis chain.
A workflow for the pulsar timing and the pulsar analysis based on the autoMAGIC output is currently designed and implemented. It delivers results comparable to manual pulsar analyses.
In the future, the automatization of the analysis of Sum-Trigger-II data could be used for further optimizations of the low-energy analysis as well as for comparisons of low-energy data from MAGIC and the LST. In combination with the automatic pulsar analysis, this will enable the possibility to perform long-term pulsar analyses with a comparably small amount of work.