SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 147: Pixel/HV-Maps, Si/Diamond
T 147.4: Talk
Thursday, March 23, 2023, 18:15–18:30, REC/C213
Radiation damage studies of a HV-MAPS detector — Maja Lecher, Lucas Dittmann, Sebastian Bachmann, and •Ulrich Uwer — Physikalisches Institut, Heidelberg, Germany
As one cornerstone of the prospective LHCb upgrade during Long Shutdown 4 in 2033, the current Scintillating Fibre tracker is set to be replaced by the MightyTracker, which combines scintillating fibres with radiation-hard silicon pixel detectors. The MightyPix sensor proposed as pixel detector employs the relatively new HV-MAPS technology. In preparation for the LHCb upgrade, the AtlasPix 3.1, a detector of similar build as the MightyPix, was studied with an emphasis on radiation damage.
While a number of studies investigating the damage sustained by HV-MAPS from radiation exist, irradiation campaigns to date were carried out using unpowered sensors. In a first proof-of-principle measurement, we irradiated a powered AtlasPix 3.1 with 14 MeV protons at the Bonn Isochronous Cyclotron. Specific sensor characteristics, most notably the leakage current, power consumption, and signal response, were tested before, during, and after the irradiation in an effort to evaluate the performance and viability of HV-MAPS in the radiation environment expected for the MightyPix. Results from these studies are presented and discussed.