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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 149: Detector Systems / Muon
T 149.4: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 18:15–18:30, WIL/C133
Impact of residual misalignment of the ATLAS' New Small Wheel on muon reconstruction performance — •Stefanie Götz1, Otmar Biebel1, Valerio D'Amico1, Florian Egli1, Ralf Hertenberger1, Christoph Jagfeld1, Eshita Kumar1, Katrin Penski1, Maximilian Rinnagel1, Nick Schneider1, Patrick Scholer2, Chrysostomos Valderanis1, and Fabian Vogel1 — 1LMU München — 2Uni Freiburg
Highly accurate alignment of the ATLAS detector's New Small Wheel (NSW) is crucial to fully exploit the wheels precision tracking capability as required for the high luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN. Therefore, precise information on the true NSW chamber positionings and shapes is included in the muon reconstruction software, but only with a certain degree of accuracy as caused by measurement uncertainties of the optical alignment sensors. This study investigates the impact of the NSW residual misalignment on the muon reconstruction performance in comparison to the ideal detector geometry. Translations, rotations and deformations described by specific alignment parameters are studied on Monte Carlo samples generated by the simulation software of the ATLAS experiment both at native detector geometry and with misaligned NSW detector components. Their effect is evaluated isolated for each alignment parameter and in a realistic scenario for which the residual chamber misalignment is determined using specific information on the alignment uncertainties. The final goal is to estimate the order of magnitude of the residual misalignment and its impact on the muon reconstruction performance.