SMuK 2023 –
wissenschaftliches Programm
T 15: Neutrinos, Dark Matter III
Montag, 20. März 2023, 16:30–18:00, POT/0006
16:30 |
T 15.1 |
The SNO+ Experiment: Current Status and future Prospects — •Johann Dittmer and Kai Zuber
16:45 |
T 15.2 |
DELight: Direct Search Experiment for Light Dark Matter with Superfluid Helium — •Francesco Toschi, Klaus Eitel, Christian Enss, Torben Ferber, Loredana Gastaldo, Felix Kahlhoefer, Sebastian Kempf, Greta Heine, Markus Klute, Sebastian Lindemann, Marc Schumann, Kathrin Valerius, and Belina von Krosigk
17:00 |
T 15.3 |
Low-frequency noise classification for the SuperCDMS experiment using Machine Learning — •Sukeerthi Dharani for the SuperCDMS collaboration
17:15 |
T 15.4 |
The LEGEND Experiment - Status of commissioning and outlook — •Simon Sailer for the LEGEND collaboration
17:30 |
T 15.5 |
Commissioning of the Liquid Argon Instrumentation of LEGEND-200 — •Rosanna Deckert, Patrick Krause, Laszlo Papp, Luigi Pertoldi, and Stefan Schönert
17:45 |
T 15.6 |
Characterization of a TRISTAN detector with a laser system — •Christian Forstner for the KATRIN collaboration