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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 151: Exp. Methods IV
T 151.6: Vortrag
Donnerstag, 23. März 2023, 18:45–19:00, WIL/C129
Monte-Carlo Generator Validation in ATLAS with JEM/PAVER — Frank Ellinghaus, Dominic Hirschbühl, Johanna Kraus, Joshua Reidelstürz, Jens Roggel, and •Mustafa Schmidt for the ATLAS collaboration — Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Periodic validation of available Monte-Carlo (MC) generators is crucial for obtaining reliable physics simulations, especially for the ATLAS experiment. Its main idea is to spot the origin of possible problems and unwanted features in generated MC events by comparing the shapes of various observables between the generated samples and their references. For that purpose, the existing job execution monitor (JEM), originally designed for monitoring grid jobs, has initially been used. However, due to many missing features, a new validation system, PMG Architecture for Validating Evgen with Rivet (PAVER), was recently developed based on the JEM infrastructure. It uses the ATLAS official Rivet analysis routines for validating specific physics processes, providing an automated and central MC event generator validation procedure that allows a regular evaluation of new revisions and updates for commonly used MC generators in ATLAS. The result is a robust, flexible, and highly functional MC validation setup, that is constantly developed further, for efficiently detecting issues in generated samples within a restricted timescale. It turned out to be a very useful tool for determining several unexpected features related to MC generator behaviors that are regularly reported to the generator authors, which resulted in various bug-fix releases of external MC tools.