SMuK 2023 – wissenschaftliches Programm
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 46: Calorimeter / Detector Systems II
T 46.1: Vortrag
Dienstag, 21. März 2023, 17:00–17:15, WIL/C133
Fast Hadron Shower Simulation Methods with the CALICE AHCAL Prototype — •André Wilhahn, Julian Utehs, and Stan Lai for the CALICE-D collaboration — II. Physikalisches Institut, D-37077, Göttingen
Extensive simulations of particle showers are crucial for high energy physics experiments, since they allow for a sensible interpretation of recorded calorimeter data. As many calorimeters are designed with increasing granularity, while having to cope with higher energy deposits and higher luminosity conditions, the accurate simulation of particle showers in a computationally efficient manner is of utmost importance. This talk describes preliminary investigations into a data-driven fast calorimeter simulation that is meant to describe particle showers accurately, without simulating every individual particle interaction with the calorimeter material.
We start by investigating pion showers in the CALICE AHCAL (Analog Hadron Calorimeter) prototype, which is a highly granular hadronic calorimeter comprising a total of 38 active layers embedded in a stainless-steel absorber structure. Each active layer contains a grid of 24×24 scintillator tiles that are read out individually via silicon photomultipliers. Longitudinal energy distributions and correlation factors between these detector layers have been simulated with the help of kernel density estimators and compared with data. The results of this procedure are presented in this talk. In particular, current developments will be discussed and future plans for improving and expanding the fast calorimeter simulation will be outlined.