
SMuK 2023 – scientific programme

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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik

T 69: Neutrinos, Dark Matter IX

T 69.6: Talk

Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 17:05–17:20, POT/0112

BSM physics searches beyond 0νββ decay with GERDA and LEGEND — •Elisabetta Bossio for the GERDA collaboration — Physik-Department E15, Technische Universität München, Garching, Germany

While searching for neutrinoless double-β (0νββ) decay, experiments collect huge statistics of the Standard Model (SM) two neutrino double-β (2νββ) decays. This is amongst the rarest nuclear processes ever observed. Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) physics, like the existence of new particles, Majorons, or light exotic fermions, or the violation of Lorentz symmetry, would affect the shape of the measured two-electron spectrum, originating detectable and characteristic signatures. The GERDA experiment, with its ultra-low background and excellent understanding of the experiment’s response, set the best limits on the mentioned BSM double-β decays with 76Ge [1]. In this contribution, the results of the GERDA experiment will be presented, and the sensitivity of the LEGEND experiment [2] to improve the current limits and to search for more exotic double-β decays involving non-standard interactions, like right-handed leptons currents or neutrino self-interactions, will be discussed. This research is supported by the BMBF through the Verbundforschung 05A20WO2 and by the DFG through the Excellence Cluster ORIGINS and the SFB1258.

[1] GERDA Collaboration, M. Agostini et al JCAP12(2022)012

[2] LEGEND-1000 pCDR, arXiv 2107.11462

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