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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 76: Gas-Detectors
T 76.4: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2023, 16:35–16:50, WIL/C207
The Influence of Water defects and Mesh Geometry on Measurements with a MicroMegas Detector filled with an Ar-CO2 Gas Mixture — •Burkhard Böhm, Anno Strobel, and Raimund Ströhmer — Universität Würzburg
In particle physics, Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) find high usage in different experiments like ATLAS, CMS or ALICE. In this study MicroMegas Detectors (MM) - a special type of MPGDs - are researched in terms of H2O contamination. They are well known for their simple single-stage amplification, high and stable gain and excellent spatial and temporal resolutions. These detectors can be contaminated by H2O from air which can have an effect on detector stability. H2O can also act as a quenching gas similar to CO2. The effect on the gas-gain and the amplification of the number of primary electrons are studied by precisely controlled inflowing of H2O inside a resistive MM chamber. Even a small change in concentration of H2O is expected to have an impact on the detector performance.
Also the influence of different mesh geometries like gap size and wire diameter in terms of contamination is researched. The geometry can have an influence on the electric field and therefore on the detector gain as well as on the transparency of the mesh. Studied mesh types are 70/30, 50/30 and 45/18 (pitch size/wire diameter in µm).