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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 89: DM, Neutrino Theory
T 89.5: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 22. März 2023, 18:30–18:45, POT/0251
Phenomenological implications of neutrinos and axions in Many Species Theories — •Manuel Ettengruber1, Philipp Eller2, Emmanouil Koutsangelas1, and Alan Zander2 — 1Max-Planck-Institut für Physik, München, Deutschland — 2TUM, Garching, Deutschland
The framework of TeV scale gravity theories was originally invented to solve the hierarchy problem. One specific BSM model is the Many Species Theory in which the scale of quantum gravity gets lowered by the existence of many additional light states. In this talk we want to present how small neutrino masses can be generated in this infrared approach and how this modifies the oscillation pattern. Then we present how current neutrino data can be used to give a lower bound on the number of additional species. Moreover, we show how to get an upper bound from axion physics. These results give the first time a theoretically restricted parameter space which can be tested by current and future experiments.