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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 9.6: Talk
Monday, March 20, 2023, 17:45–18:00, HSZ/0301
High-Speed Link Tests for the fFEX L1Trigger Module — •Dennis Layh, Stefan Tapprogge, Ulrich Schäfer, and Bruno Bauss — Johannes Gutenberg Universität
For the planned High Luminosity LHC upgrade the forward Feature EXtractor (fFEX), which will be a new component of the ATLAS first level trigger, will have an estimated input data rate of 2.2Tb/s. To achieve a data rate of this magnitude it is necessary to move to a higher line rate than previous modules, which were running at about 12Gb/s per link. The planned line rate of 25.7Gb/s per link will require thorough testing to make sure that signal integrity and quality needs are met. One part along the path from the LAr calorimeters to the fFEX FPGAs are opto-electrical modules, which translate the data from incoming optical fibers to electrical signals and vice versa. For this purpose a PCB was designed, produced and utilized to test a new 12-channel unidirectional firefly module from Samtec which runs at line rates of up to 28Gb/s.