SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 95: Pixel, Det/Sys LHCb, HGT
T 95.4: Talk
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 18:15–18:30, REC/C213
Measurements with a serial powering prototype for the ATLAS ITk Pixel Detector — •Thomas Senger, Florian Hinterkeuser, Matthias Hamer, Fabian Huegging, Jochen Dingfelder, Klaus Desch, and Hans Krüger for the ATLAS collaboration — Physikalisches Institut Bonn Germany
The high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC at CERN requires completely new inner detectors for ATLAS and CMS experiments. A serial powering scheme has been chosen to cope with the constraints of the new pixel detectors. A prototype consisting of up to 8 quad modules, based on the new readout chips (ITkPixV1.1) developed by the RD53 collaboration in 65 nm CMOS technology has been set up in Bonn. This talk presents the results of measurements with a full ITkPixV1.1 serial powering chain to better understand and validate the requirements for all active components in the ITk Pixel System.