SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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T: Fachverband Teilchenphysik
T 98: Gas-Detecors, Detector Systems
T 98.4: Talk
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 18:15–18:30, WIL/C207
Prototype of a Cherenkov detector for the LUXE Experiment — •Antonios Athanassiadis1,2, Louis Helary1, Ruth Magdalena Jacobs1, Jenny List1, Gudrid Moortgat-Pick2,1, Evan Ranken1, and Stefan Schmitt1 — 1Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany — 2Universität Hamburg, Germany
The aim of LUXE (Laser Und XFEL Experiment based at DESY, Hamburg) is to measure strong-field QED effects with high precision. In order to create electric fields stronger than the so-called Schwinger limit, it is planned to collide a high-intensity laser pulse with either high-energy electrons up to 16.5 GeV or high-energy photons.
These two configurations either result in non-linear Compton scattering or Breit-Wheeler interactions which can be studied by measuring rates and kinematics of secondary particles created at the interaction point like high-energy electrons, positrons and photons.
For the detection of electrons, with expected fluxes of the order of 104 to 109 particles in an area of 15 cm×1 mm per event, a Cherenkov detector in combination with magnetic deflection for high-precision spectrometry will be used.
This contribution will present the simulation-based design of the Cherenkov detector, as well as first operation experience obtained with a prototype. Further optimisation of the various components as well as reconstruction algorithms will be discussed.