SMuK 2023 – scientific programme
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UP: Fachverband Umweltphysik
UP 5: Measurement Techniques and Simulations
UP 5.3: Talk
Wednesday, March 22, 2023, 16:30–16:45, MOL/0213
Time-resolved simulations of wind speed fluctuations across atmospheric boundary layers using a stochastic forward model — •Marten Klein and Heiko Schmidt — BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Cottbus, Germany
Atmospheric boundary layers (ABLs) govern the atmosphere–surface coupling and are therefore of fundamental relevance for Earth’s weather and climate system. Time-resolved numerical simulations of ABLs are challenging due to intricate interactions of inertial, Coriolis, buoyancy, and viscous forces on all relevant scales of the turbulent flow. Small-scale processes, albeit potentially nonuniversal, are typically not resolved due to cost constraints but modeled based on physically justified relations with the resolved scales, neglecting expensive backscatter. This lack in modeling is addressed here by utilizing a dimensionally reduced stochastic modeling approach. The model aims to reproduce turbulent cascade phenomenology by a stochastic process, respecting fundamental physical conservation principles. Momentary wind velocity and temperature profiles evolve autonomously in time for an ensemble of initial conditions. By comparison with available high-fidelity reference numerical simulations, reanalysis, and observations, it is shown that the model captures various relevant flow properties, exhibiting limitations mainly in a delayed relaminarization under very stable conditions. Forthcoming research aims to contribute to a better understanding of polar boundary layers, requiring predictive modeling capabilities, high resolution, and numerical efficiency to perform long-time simulations.