BP 33: Focus session: Physics of organoids
Donnerstag, 21. März 2024, 15:00–17:30, H 1028
15:00 |
BP 33.1 |
Symmetry breaking in early embryonic organoids: bridging networks, mechanics and metabolism — •Vikas Trivedi
15:30 |
BP 33.2 |
Mechanisms of pattern formation and self-organization in embryonic organoids — •Valentin Dunsing-Eichenauer, Alice Gros, Sham Tlili, Jules Vanaret, Leo Guignard, and Pierre-François Lenne
15:45 |
BP 33.3 |
Dynamical systems theory of self-organized collective cell fate patterning — •David Brückner
16:00 |
BP 33.4 |
Morphological instability at topological defects in spherical epithelial shells — •Oliver M. Drozdowski and Ulrich S. Schwarz
16:15 |
15 min. break
16:30 |
BP 33.5 |
Quantification of mechanical relaxation in retinal organoid tissues across scales — •Elijah Robinson Shelton, Michael Frischmann, Achim Theo Brinkop, Rebecca James, and Friedhelm Serwane
16:45 |
BP 33.6 |
DNA microbeads for spatio-temporally controlled morphogen release within organoids — •Tobias Walther, Cassian Afting, Joachim Wittbrodt, and Kerstin Göpfrich
17:00 |
BP 33.7 |
Multi-cellular rosette formation guides cellular rearrangement initiating lumen opening in PDAC organoids — •Marion K. Raich, Tamara Müller, Fridtjof Brauns, Samuel J. Randriamanantsoa, Ann-Caroline Heiler, Maximilian Reichert, and Andreas R. Bausch
17:15 |
BP 33.8 |
Rheology in 3D confined spaces: PANC-1 spheroids on polyHEMA-coated substrates using atomic force microscopy — •Isis do Vale Meira Lima, Shruti Kulkarni, Mènie Wiemer, and Manfred Radmacher