Berlin 2024 – scientific programme
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BP: Fachverband Biologische Physik
BP 8: Poster Session Ia
BP 8.32: Poster
Monday, March 18, 2024, 18:00–20:30, Poster C
Clutch Model for focal adhesions predicts perfect self-stablisation — •Anton Burnet1,2 and Benedikt Sabass1,2 — 1Department of Veterinary Sciences, LMU München — 2Department of Physics, LMU München
Cell-matrix adhesions connect the cytoskeleton to the extracellular environment and are essential for maintaining the integrity of tissue and whole organisms. Remarkably, cell adhesions can adapt their size and composition to an applied force such that their size increases proportionally to the load. Recently, this group suggested a molecular mechanism that can explain adhesion growth under load for planar cell adhesions. The mechanism is based on conformation changes of adhesion molecules that are dynamically exchanged with a reservoir. Tangential loading drives the occupation of some states out of equilibrium, which for thermodynamic reasons, leads to the association of further molecules with the cluster, which is referred to as self-stabilisation. A variation of the latter model had been considered which linearly coupled the recruitment rate of the reservoir with the occupation number of the unfolded bound states. Simulation results found that a bifurcation occurs for a critical coupling value, where the system transitions from limited self-stabilisation to a perfect self-stabilisation regime where the system no longer undergoes rupture upon an ever increasing force. Moreover, a second regime was found where the system size exhibits exponential growth. In this work, we focus on quantitively understanding these results, starting with simpler coarse-grained models to shed light onto the qualitative behaviour observed from simulations.
Keywords: Cell Adhesion; Master Equations; Gillespie algorithm