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KFM: Fachverband Kristalline Festkörper und deren Mikrostruktur
KFM 15: Multiferroics and Magnetoelectric Coupling (joint session MA/KFM)
KFM 15.2: Vortrag
Mittwoch, 20. März 2024, 15:15–15:30, EB 407
Asymmetry of the magnetic-field-driven phase transition in h-ErMnO3 — •Lea Forster1, Ipek Efe1, Morgan Trassin1, Manfred Fiebig1, Thomas Lottermoser1, and Mads C. Weber2 — 1Department of Materials, ETH Zurich, Switzerland — 2IMMM UMR 6283, University Le Mans, France
We report on the asymmetry of the magnetic-field-induced phase transition of the Mn3+ order in hexagonal ErMnO3 under magnetic field application along the six-fold axis. Below the Néel temperature, we observe that with increasing magnetic field the Mn3+ and Er3+ appear to reorder simultaneously. However, with decreasing magnetic field, the reverse phase transition of the Mn3+ shows an intermediate stage where the spins are partially in the zero-field and partially in the applied-field state, while the Er3+ reverses almost instantaneously to its zero-field state. This asymmetry of the forward and reverse transition in the Mn3+ order becomes more and more pronounced at lower temperatures. We gain access to both the Mn3+ and Er3+ sublattices using optical second-harmonic generation and SQUID magnetometry. Our investigation of this asymmetric magnetic field-induced phase transition further underlines the complex coupling mechanisms of the Mn3+ order to the rare-earth orders in hexagonal manganites.
Keywords: multiferroic; antiferromagnetism; rare-earth magnetism; hexagonal manganites