Berlin 2024 – scientific programme
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MA: Fachverband Magnetismus
MA 22: Thin Films: Coupling Effects and Exchange Bias
MA 22.1: Invited Talk
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 09:30–10:00, H 2013
Emergence of intrinsic antiferromagnetic topological solitons in thin films — •Samir Lounis — Peter Grünberg Institut and Institute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Jülich & JARA, D-52425 Jülich, Germany — Faculty of Physics, University of Duisburg-Essen and CENIDE, 47053 Duisburg, Germany
Antiferromagnetic (AFM) skyrmions are envisioned as ideal localized topological magnetic bits in future information technologies. In contrast to ferromagnetic skyrmions, they are expected to be immune to the skyrmion Hall effect, might offer terahertz dynamics while being insensitive to magnetic fields and dipolar interactions. Although observed in synthetic AFM structures and as complex textures in intrinsic AFM bulk materials, their realization in non-synthetic AFM films, of crucial importance in racetrack concepts, has been elusive. I will discuss progress in finding combination of materials that can host intrinsic (non-synthetic) topological AFM solitons, which can have intriguing properties. They emerge as single and strikingly interpenetrating chains with non-trivial dynamics in a row-wise AFM Cr film deposited on PdFe bilayer/Ir(111) [1], detectable by all-electrical means [2]. Substituting Cr with Mn yields to frustrated AFM multimerons [3], which are also found in 2D van der Waals heterostructures [4].
These findings open up exciting avenues for engineering and detecting intrinsic AFM chiral entities in the same films. – Project funded by DFG (SPP 2137: LO 1659/8-1; SPP 2244: LO 1659/7-1).
–[1] Nat. Comm. 13, 7369 ’22; [2] Nat. Comm. 13, 1576 ’22; [3] J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14, 8970 ’23;
[4] PRB 108, 094409 ’23.
Keywords: antiferromagnetism; skyrmions; merons; topology; spin-dynamics