Berlin 2024 – scientific programme
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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 47: Metal Substrates I
O 47.6: Talk
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 12:00–12:15, MA 043
Single-molecule study of Heck cross-coupling with Pd nano-islands on Au(111) surface — •Donato Civita1, Friedrich Esch2, and Leonhard Grill1 — 1Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Graz, Austria — 2Fakultät für Chemie, TU München, Germany
The interaction of organic molecules with metallic structures is particularly important in heterogeneous catalysis. It has been shown that model heterogeneous catalysts based on metal single crystals can be investigated by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) to determine the role of steps as active sites for dissociation or to study a thermally induced Heck cross-coupling [1]. Moreover, nanostructured catalysts are advantageous to obtain specific electronic properties, a large number of undercoordinated sites, and to reduce the amount of precious catalyst material. However, instability effects like leaching of catalyst atoms from the nanostructure or sintering of small particle into large ones requires a systematic investigation at the atomic scale.
Here, these questions are addressed by studying a Heck cross-coupling reaction catalysed by Palladium nano-islands on Au(111) surface by low temperature STM. A statistical analysis of the products and the Pd islands size, together with STM tip manipulation experiments of single intermediates, give insight into the activity and stability of this catalyst, and the dependence on its morphology.
[1] Shi, K.-J., et al., On-Surface Heck Reaction of Aryl Bromides with Alkene on Au(111) with Palladium as Catalyst. Organic Letters, 2017. 19(11): p. 2801.
Keywords: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy; Palladium catalysis; Heck cross-coupling; on-surface reactions; STM manipulation