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O: Fachverband Oberflächenphysik
O 70: Poster: Spins on Surfaces & Surface Magnetism
O 70.4: Poster
Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 18:00–20:00, Poster C
Non-contact layer stabilization of azafullerene radicals: route towards high-spin-density surfaces — Yuri Tanuma1,2, Gregor Kladnik3,4, Luca Schio4, •Marion van Midden Mavrič1, Bastien Anézo5, Erik Zupanič1, Gregor Bavdek4,6, Ruben Canton-Vitoria7, Luca Floreano4, Nikos Tagmatarchis7, Hermann A. Wegner8,9, Alberto Morgante4,10, Chris Ewels5, Dean Cvetko1,3,4, and Denis Arčon1,3 — 1Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia — 2CAREM, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan — 3Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia — 4CNR-IOM. Trieste, Italy — 5IMN, Nantes, France — 6Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia — 7Theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, Athens, Greece — 8Institute of Organic Chemistry, Giessen, Germany — 9Center for Materials research, Giessen, Germany — 10Physics department, University of Trieste, Italy
Organic radicals offer a promising qubit platform. Despite them usually being unstable, as their unpaired electrons are highly reactive, they can be stabilized via weak interactions with the surface.
We study C59N• deposited on Au(111) in UHV at molecular coverage up to 2ML. Using NEXAFS and STM we show that single azafullerenes are indeed deposited on the surface. Together with DFT calculations, NEXAFS/XPS allows us to identify the spectroscopic fingerprint of the molecular radical state. The binding of C59N• changes as a function of coverage. We identify a novel intermediate high-spin-density state between 1ML and 2ML.
Keywords: azafullerene; radical; scanning tunneling microscopy; NEXAFS; density functional calcualtions