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TT: Fachverband Tiefe Temperaturen
TT 22: Focus Session: Frustrated Magnetism and Local Order (joint session MA/TT)
TT 22.6: Hauptvortrag
Dienstag, 19. März 2024, 11:45–12:15, H 1058
Frustrated Quantum Devices: Pathways to leverage exotic order in novel spintronic technologies — •James Analytis — University of California at Berkeley, 366 Physics North, Berkeley, CA 94705, USA
Materials at the boundary of critical phase transitions are of significant fundamental interest, not least due because of their connection to unconventional superconductivity and quantum magnetism. One characteristic shared by many such systems is the presence of coupled order parameters that underlie these phase transitions. Here, we explore how this coupling manifests in the response of these materials when driven out of equilibrium by applied currents. We demonstrate how magnetic and charge textures can be electrically manipulated, suggesting possible applications for exotic materials in spintronics technologies.
Keywords: Frustrated magnetism; spintronics; charge density waves; Mott insulators; quantum critical points